The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion has Awarded over 800,000 Euros for Research in the Field of Technology in Year 2024


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The purpose of The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion is to promote the development of technology in Finland by supporting education and research related to it. Additionally, the foundation aims to increase the influence of technical action in various fields of business life.

In 2024, the foundation awarded over 800,000 euros for Research in the Field of Technology. This includes 23 full-year and part-year grants, totaling 450,000 euros, and 42 encouragement grants, totaling 210,000 euros. The names of the grantees will be published on the foundation’s website at the end of May.

Furthermore, the foundation has awarded two researchers a total of 125,000 euros via the Post Doc Pool. The Post Doc Pool grants are used to promote international mobility.

The focus of the grants is based on the scientific quality of the applications. The emphasis of the awards is on full-year scholarships for doctoral studies. The grants are allocated among technical disciplines based on application pressure.

One of the foundation’s strategic focus areas in 2024 is sustainable development. This is why we paid special attention to the research’s impact on sustainable development when scoring the applications and research.

The foundation also gave out 10,000 euro awards to the Young Scientist and Good Teacher of the year.

Thank you to all applicants and congratulations to the grantees!

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