The Foundation
Foundation's Background and Purpose
The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (TES) was established in 1949 in connection with the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Helsinki University of Technology. The foundation's founders included 63 prominent companies, organizations, and individuals from industry and business.
The purpose of the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion is to promote technological development in Finland by supporting related education and research activities, and generally to enhance the conditions for technological work across various sectors of industry.
To fulfill its purpose, the foundation supports postgraduate studies in the field of technology both in Finland and abroad, as well as researcher exchanges. The foundation awards full-year and part-year full-time research grants, primarily to early-career researchers. In addition, the foundation grants postdoc grants for extended research visits abroad. The foundation also awards trailblazers in the field of technology.
The Board is responsible for the operations of TES. In addition, TES has a delegation with duties defined in the foundation's regulations, and a CEO/representative who is responsible for the foundation's day-to-day administration.

The Board
The foundation's Board consists of 5-7 members, as specified in the foundation's regulations, who are elected by the delegation.
In 2024, the foundation's Board includes:
- Board Professional Juho Malmberg, Chair (term of office 2024-2027)
- Professor Jorma Kyyrä, Aalto University (2024-2027), Vice Chair
- Professor Kristiina Kruus, Aalto University (2022-2025)
- VP Industrial Biotechnology and Food Tiina Nakari-Setälä, VTT (2022-2025)
- Partner Pirkka Palomäki, Maki. VC (2024-2027)
- CEO Salla Pöyry, Procurator-Holding Oy (2024)
In 2023, the Board updated the foundation's strategy and defined four focus areas for the 2023-2026 strategy period.
The foundation has a delegation, whose members are appointed by the Aalto University Foundation sr, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK), the Finnish Society of Technology (Tekniska Föreningen i Finland rf), the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA), the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), the Finnish Forest Industries Federation, and the Aalto University Student Union. The Aalto University Foundation appoints two members, and the other organizations each appoint one member. Additionally, between two and eight members are appointed from among the donors.
In 2024, the foundation's delegation includes:
- Chair of the Board Marjo Miettinen, Ensto Oy, Chair
- Director of Research and Development Janne Pynnönen, Valmet, Vice Chair
- University Lecturer Petri Aarnio, The Finnish Association of Architects SAFA
- Dr (Econ. Sc.) Heli Arantola
- Lead Specialist Kai Husso, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Chief Strategy Officer Anne Jalkala, Vaisala
- Professor Seppo Junnila, Aalto University
- Research Professor Heikki Ailisto, Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Oy
- Professor Janne Laine, Aalto University
- Professor Yrjö Neuvo, Aalto University
- VP Pirita Mikkanen, Metsä Group
- Specialist Ida Parkkinen, Aalto University Student Union
- Mikaela Runeberg, Tekniska Föreningen i Finland
- Director Marjaana Suorsa, Finnish Forest Industries
- Director Martti Surakka, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK
- CFO Tiina Tuomela, Fortum Oyj
The delegation annually appoints a nominations committee, which prepares proposals for the selection of members of the delegation, the chair and vice chairs of the delegation, members of the board, the chair and vice chairs of the board, and the auditor.
Secretary General and Auditor
The day-to-day administration of the foundation is managed by Navigator Partners Oy, where Master of Laws (OTK), Master of Science in Economics (KTM) Mia Bengts serves as the foundation's Secretary General, and Master of Science in Economics (KTM) Maria Julin-Anderson serves as the Foundation Coordinator.
The foundation's auditor is KPMG Oy Ab, with Authorized Public Accountant (APA) Jyri Salojuuri as the principal auditor.
In the picture from left to right: Tiina Nakari-Setälä, Mia Bengts, Juho Malmberg, Pirkka Palomäki, Jorma Kyyrä and Kristiina Kruus.