Advanced Wireless Biotelemetry Systems
for Human Healthcare 

5.11.2021/Text: Nikta Pournoori

Nikta Pournoori

The more obscure a problem is, the more I am encouraged to break it. This attitude has led me to continuously strive to acquire the knowledge, skills, experience and expertise of more advanced and unknown sciences and technologies to the extent that I have been able to overcome every obstacle in my academic life and earn higher degrees of education. In this path, to complete my doctoral studies, I had the great opportunity to join the well-known and well-organized WISE-research group in Tampere University, where they are working on improving the quality of life with a new generation of intra-body sensing technologies for disease treatment and health and also working on field of Human SensorNet system.

Overview and aim of my research topic

In recent years, improving human life quality, enhancing life expectancy and the consequent increasing in aging population has made widespread concerns about chronic diseases. In this context, there has been growing researches on biomedical telemetry systems with the respect of advancements in wireless communication techniques and medical technologies, which lead to make life easy and ensure human healthcare comfort at home and at work.

In this sense, my principal motivation to continue my research as my doctoral studies is designing , developing and evaluation a wireless biotelemetry system aimed at the development of the chronic power source using radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting technique and the wireless power transfer (WPT) technology to energize deep implanted micro sensors in different nodes of human body; for non-invasive monitoring the physiological parameters for the diagnostic and therapeutic purposes over a long-term.

Science footprint in my life

My PhD studies opened a new chapter of academic and working experiences in my life, such as international collaboration with the knowledgeable and expertized research group, giving presentations in international conferences to large audiences, and excellent communication skills with diverse people gained through my experience as a teaching assistant. All these effective experiences have helped me to set out on this exciting and challenging path and fulfill my ambition to be a productive researcher.

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Nikta Pournoori from the University of Tampere received a 5000 € encouragement grant from Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion to conduct the research with the title of "Advanced Wireless Biotelemetry Systems for Human Healthcare" in 2019.

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