Basic degree students
The Johannes Eichinger special fund awards grants for chemical engineering students at the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering and for students in the chemical engineering department at Åbo Akademi University. In addition, the Gasum Gas Fund awards grants for ambitious master’s theses related to the Fund’s domain.
How to apply for a grant:
The grant application is made using the foundation’s application form on an online service during the application period. The 2024 application is closed. Next application period is in early 2025. The application along with its attachments is sent electronically through the online service.
Sign in to the online service - the form will open in 2025.
Grant recipients will be selected in the end of April 2024. All applicants will be notified of the decision via e-mail in May.
Please provide the following information in your application:
- Educational institution and field of study
- Commencement year and current year of study
- Transcript
- Plan of completion of studies along with schedule
Additional information
Maria Julin-Anderson
Postgraduate students
Postgraduate students can apply for full-year and part-year grants, encouragement grants and grants for postgraduate work abroad.
The maximum full-year grant is 24,500 euros. The foundation may also, on application, reimburse travel expenses, tuition fees or other similar expenses for postgraduate work abroad. Full-time research work is required in order to receive a full-year grant.
The maximum part-year grant is 2,200 euros per month.
The encouragement grant is 5,000 euros. Encouragement grants are awarded primarily for postgraduate students in technology who are aiming at a Doctor of Science (Technology) degree.
The foundation awards grants for researcher’s exchange visits abroad of at least six months.
How to apply for a grant:
The grant application is made using the foundation’s application form on an online service during the application period. The next application period is early 2025. The application along with its attachments is sent electronically through the online service.
Grant recipients will be selected in the end of April 2024. All applicants will be notified of the decision via e-mail in May.
Please provide these attachments in your application:
- A research plan, maximum 4 pages long including a list of publications. Address the following issues in the plan:
- Overview of the research topic and an outline of the general problematics of the topic
- Definition of the research problem: What question does your research aim to answer?
- Literature review: What is known about the research topic? What existing research and information are you relying on? What new information will you produce alongside the existing information?
- Presentation of the chosen research methodology, conceptual starting points, research structure
- Empirical material: presentation of the research material, research approach, research methods and reporting method of the research material’s results
- Evaluation of the significance of the research from the point of view of business and innovation
- If you are applying for a full or part-year grant, attach a plan of expenses and a funding plan that show how you will fund the research in its entirety.
- For researcher exchange visits and foreign visits related to research work, a report of the travel programme, a breakdown of travel expenses and a funding plan must be attached to the application. The report should show why you are going to the university or research institution concerned, for how long and how the visit supports your research work. The report must also show the host institution or laboratory’s consent and participation in expenses.
- Curriculum vitae and list of publications, latest degree certificates and an up-to-date transcript. These should show the nature and current status of your research and academic work. It is recommended that you use the template drafted by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity as a template for your CV, which can be found here.
- It is advisable to attach a recommendation of the applicant and research plan. Ask for a recommendation from the professor responsible for your postgraduate studies.
- The applicant is not to attach the recommendation to their application; instead the recommender him/herself is to make the recommendation (dead line: to be updated). When submitting the application via our application system, the applicant should provide the recommender's name and e-mail address. The system will automatically send the request to the recommender. Recommendations sent by email or fax will not be accepted. For advice with problems related to submitting a recommendation, please contact us at
6. Other possible attachments
If you receive a grant from some other foundation after you have submitted your application and before the decisions have been announced, please, inform the Foundation ( about the grant.
Additional information
Maria Julin-Anderson
Postdoc researchers
The Foundation supports Postdoc researchers in three different ways:
- The foundation supports the work of postdoc researchers abroad through the postdoc pool. Grant application instructions and dates can be found on the pool website:
- A Professor working in a Finnish university, may invite a foreign postdoc researcher from abroad who has not received his/hers PhD degree from a Finnish University to work in a Finnish university. The applicant must have a recommendation from a Finnish professor and the commitment of the host institution or department to the work. The postdoc grant can be a maximum of 34,000 euros per year. Next application period is in early 2025. Sign in to the online service
- Post Docs in Companies, PoDoCo program, is a joint initiative of Finnish universities, industry and foundations. The aim of the PoDoCo program is to promote academic research supporting long term competitiveness and strategic renewal of Finnish companies, and the employment of young doctors in industry. PoDoCo facilitates novel meetings and matches of post docs and companies and offers young scholars funding from one source for academic research having strategic importance for Finnish companies. PoDoCo program is aimed for young doctors who have recently completed or will soon complete their doctoral degree.