Viktar Asadchy receives Young Scientist Award


Kuvaaja: Vilja Pursiainen

The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion awarded Assistant Professor Viktar Asadchy from Aalto University with the Young Scientist 2024 Award. Asadchy‘s work includes developing new physical methods to control light as well as combining power from multiple sources.

Viktar Asadchy works as an Assistant Professor in Electromagnetics Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering at Aalto University. His original, diverse, and broad-ranging research has won him several awards during his career.

“The research results of Viktar are of top quality and significance, which has been recognized by prestigious awards and invitations to speak at leading conferences,” says in Asadchy’s recommendation letter.

Award-winning research career

Asadchy received his doctoral degree from Aalto University in 2017. Being one of the top six dissertations at Aalto University in 2017, his dissertation was awarded with Aalto Dissertation Award.

Before returning to Aalto University as an assistant professor, Asadchy worked at Stanford University as a postdoctoral researcher. He initially joined Stanford University with the assistance of a Jorma Ollila grant and a grant from the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion. His outstanding research secured him an extended period of work.

“Viktar has been extremely successful in attracting research funding for realizing his ideas,” says in Asadchy’s recommendation letter.

In addition to receiving grants, Asadchy has also received several awards, such as 2019 Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award for the best paper published in the IEEE TAP in 2019 and the Young Scientist Best Paper Award (First Prize) at URSI EMTS 2019.

Broad knowledge and original ideas

While working at Stanford University, Asadchy developed new physical methods to control light. He has also discovered a way to overcome fundamental limitations in combining power from multiple sources and fundamental limits on thermal radiation.

“Especially important is his broad and deep education and wide scope of activities in different fields, from electrical engineering to optics and physics. In addition to his own research, Viktar is an experienced and most successful teacher and advisor of younger colleagues,” Asadchy’s recommendation letter says.

“In summary, he is an outstanding scientist who generates original ideas, brings them to

fruition, and has broad interests and multi-disciplinary education and experience.”

The Young Scientist Award may be awarded by The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion to a young scientist in the field of technology. The recipient of the award must have accomplished significant scientific research results, created notable technological innovations, and/or worked closely with the business sector. Additionally, the research must have significance from a sustainable development perspective. The recipient is expected to provide evidence of research work after completing their dissertation.

The award may be given to a person who is 35 years old or younger during the current calendar year. The prize amount is 10,000 euros.


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