What will the Future Wireless Networks be?

26.8.2019/Text: Kien Vu

Kien Vu

The deployment of the fifth generation (5G) networks is going to change our lives and transform our businesses. The unprecedented growth of data traffic driven mainly by a massive number of wireless connected devices (mobile phones, laptops, sensing devices) and rich content applications (video and game streaming, augmented and virtual reality) are posing unforeseen challenges in terms of extreme data rate, low latency, high reliability, and large scalability.

5G technologies for mobile broadband

The 5G wireless systems are expected to meet these unprecedented challenges, which require a paradigm shift in system design and radio technologies. In this research, the author studies the main 5G technologies, concerning higher frequency bands, large antenna array, and dense small cells to support new and diverse use-case scenarios and applications for future wireless networks. The author proposes a new system design, integrated in-band access and backhaul architecture, which jointly schedules a large number of users and provides in-band wireless backhaul to a dense deployment of small cell base stations. The main objective is to achieve extreme data rate, low-latency with reliability constraints in the presence of network dynamics by applying advanced signal processing techniques, mathematical optimization frameworks, and deep reinforcement learning tools.

Research Impacts

The research lies on the fundamental of wireless communications in which several questions are addressed. One of the most important questions is how to support extreme data rate, low latency, and reliable communication in 5G networks and beyond. This research contributes novel ideas to enrich user experiences, industrial productivity and efficiency of public sectors for the Finnish communities and the development of 5G networks over the world.

Research Results

The author would like to acknowledge the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion and other funding to support his doctoral studies. The author was able to finalize his doctoral dissertation, which consists of several research articles.

Read more: https://www.oulu.fi/university/researcher/kien-vu

About the author: Kien Vu has joined the Centre for Wireless Communications as a doctoral student and started his doctoral degree studies on June 16th, 2015 at University of Oulu Graduate School, Finland. He received the incentive grant from the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion to study new radio access technologies to enable multiple Gigabits of data rate and ultra-reliable and low latency communications for 5G wireless networks and beyond.

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